I never thought I'd...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
...cry at someone else's wedding video. When I started out with this whole wedding planning thing, there are some things I didn't allow myself to dream about. I spent today's wedding planning session actively considering one of them: videography.

I grew up looking at my mom's wedding pictures, and ever since I was little, I always marveled at how beautiful she looked and how young she was. My mom looks great at any age, but she just looked so bridal. It's amazing! The photos are even more important now since my father passed away.

It sounds far reaching, but often when I think of my wedding I think of how it will look in 30-40 years, when my husband & I can barely remember trying to choose a dress or a venue or a shade of pink, when our kids are grown and showing these photos to our grandchildren. "Look at those weird clothes!" the kids will say. "Look how young they look!" And we will look at each other and wonder how on earth we were ever so young! And look how naïve we were, taking those vows! So optimistic! So unblemished!

Thinking of my wedding in these terms makes me acutely aware of the moments we're creating, and how fleeting they are. So of course, I'm in the perfect position to be suckered by a Super8 video.

This one seems particularly poignant; I can imagine them treasuring for years the sound of their voices as they take their vows and then walk back down the aisle. They sound so young! Their choice of song is especially effective.

I don't know that I can work this into my budget, which makes me a little sad. I do plan to put together a musical slideshow of my favorite wedding photos. Will it have the same effect? Hm.


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